NEVER GIVE UP! There’s a phrase that evokes thought, inspiration, challenge, and hope.
The dictionary has over 40 references to define the word “give” and the Bible has more than 1700 references to it. I am starting to think there is more to the concept of giving than we really know and it’s less about the definition of the word but the power and spirit that lives behind it. Let’s explore that:
Ephesians 3 verse 20 (Amplified Bible) says:
Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]
God has the burning desire and the endless capacity to give you; superabundantly, far over and above all the that you dare ask or think for – so what’s holding you back from receiving? Asking. Well if all we have to do is ask – why don’t we? Guilt, shame or feeling a nuisance? Or is it fear? The fear of failing or not receiving what you ask for. Is it the fear of not being good enough to receive it. Not being good enough to sustain it? Is it that you don’t think you’re special, smart or educated enough?
If you don’t ask, He can’t give. That’s got to be frustrating for God.
Sometimes we adopt an attitude of false humility. That what we have is all we are worthy of or there’s no need to do more, to be more or have more. Sometimes it’s because we have experienced a storm in our lives or a situation that has knocked us off our feet. Perhaps it’s a prophecy that hasn’t happened yet or maybe a promise that has never been fulfilled and so we are disheartened, disillusioned and become a target for despair and negativity. The danger here is; we settle for WHERE we are rather than WHO we are and who we are is supernatural. It’s ordained by Him.
You and I were chosen, called by name and have been inhabited by the living God. That means that the same power Jesus had, we have. It means that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. It means that no matter where we are at, or what we see now, that corner up ahead, the one that is in your way – may just be waiting for you to turn it and bring you the change you need!
Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel in Redding California says this statement: “Because the Spirit of God lives in us, we are obligated to conquer something” (paraphrased). That puts fire in my bones and it scares me a little as well. I am not saying go out and defeat your neighbor in a race to park outside the front of your house or grow the better garden. I am saying “Get Up, Don’t Give Up”. If you’ve been on the sidelines for a while now – it’s time to get back in the game.
Romans 8:37 says Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us.
God loves us so much that He went to very extreme lengths to show it. We no longer live under Old Testament law, but under a New Testament covenant filled with new mercies and fresh grace, each and every day. He sacrificed His Son on the cross so that every sin from then until eternity is covered by the blood that was shed, that we might be free from its curse and He left us with one that is greater than He – the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit lives inside each and every one of us and is ready to help us fulfill the plans for our lives. As one dictionary definition says; we have been given this help “voluntarily and without expectation for compensation” – it’s all that we need to succeed.
I can imagine God looking at us – His children, with this Fatherly, joyful and exuberant expression just waiting for His kids to say “Daddy can I…(you fill in the blank)” I am fully convinced His response is one of excitement and as the words of your mouth collide with the spirit of Heaven, that which has already been placed aside for you begins to be released to you.
Pray this with me as we finish:
Dear Father, thank you for loving me unconditionally. My life is in your care and as I place my hopes and dreams in your hands and I know that you will complete everything that you have started in me. I am sorry for letting fear, doubt and unbelief come into my life and today I choose faith. I choose to win, I choose Christ. Guide me each day and let my eyes see what you see, let my ears hear what you hear and let my prayers be what you pray. Amen.
Now remember, in the words of a very famous man (Winston Churchill); “Never, Never, Never, give up!”
Photo By: Arthur Osipyan